
Ooma launches Telo VOIP Phone Service

Ooma VOIP Phone Service has been in the news this december for slashing their prices by well over 70% and the Ooma VOIP Phone system is now available for even cheaper price. Ooma is however busy launching a new VOIP Phone Service called Telo.

Telo is next generation home phone system and comes with cordless handset with DECT 6.0, which is capable of HD voice and comes equipped with connected phonebook, mobile transfer and speaker phone. Teleo is the premier phone system that offers unlimited US calling for free, with no monthly fees, and huge savings on international calls. At this time, the most confusing part is why a new VOIP Phone service when Ooma already exist?


Telo will be available in the first half of 2009 and is on display in the Las Vegas Convention Center Grand Lobby GL1a at the 2009 International CES. Ooma says, Telo would help combine the home phone and cell phone so you can enjoy the benefits of both without any compromises. GrandCentral extended as VOIP Phone Service???

Unfortunately besides the standard PR release, Ooma didnt give out much information on Telo making us to believe that Telo is just another VOIP Phone service with a twist in the brand name?

However, We still believe if you are looking at save significant cost on your phone bills and if you live in USA, you should switch to VOIP. There is no better time than act today. Ooma is available at Amazon for only $219 (original price $399). That means you already save well over $180 on the retail price.

Oomagives unlimited phone calls across united states and comes bundled with all the features of a VOIP Phone Service and most importantly you only pay once and never again. You buy the Ooma box and get their service for lifetime. Not like any other VOIP Phone service where you keep paying the monthly fees and get yourself tied in crappy contracts. Go look at Ooma today.

We will update on Ooma Telo VOIP Phone Service as we get more information.


Reliance iCall hack for Worldwide Free Calls

Woot!Finally, we got the best of Reliance iCall Hack. This VOIP hack is a workaround to make totally free VOIP Calls anywhere in the world using Reliance iCall.

As many of you already know that there are lots of these access number services around the world,mainly in UK and Australia. I am not going to put a long list of these access number companies but you can find them online.
Now these access number based free calling services offers totally free international calls in lieu of you calling one of their access numbers via mobile and they get paid at premium rate. They get the cut, you make the free calls coz you have those minutes under your mobile plan. Sounds all good, but what if you don't live in UK or Australia or USA? How can you utilise those services.

There comes the ultimate Reliance iCall Hack. Use reliance icall to dial one of those access numbers and then follow the procedure according to the access number service.

Let me give you a live example of australian access number working great to call India. Please do not overload the numbers. (All thanks to a anonymous commentator who give away this idea. )

1. Use Reliance Icall to call +61 424 215 152 and than press 1.
2. Dial 001191XXXXXXXX

This way, you can utilise any service to make calls anywhere in the world, as long as that service offers a free international call termination to that country. Reliance icall will only be used to make calls to that access numbers, your actual call is still carried through by the service provider.

Secondly, those who are wondering how to use SIP on Reliance iCall. Here are the settings of Reliance iCall.

SIP Proxy :
user Id: reliance icall username
password : reliance icall password

Reliance icall is free only till 15th January. Make your new year a real good one with this hack :-)


Key Telco Legislator, Net Neutrality Champion Jumps To Energy

Congressman Edward Markey, a key proponent of net neutrality and online privacy, will leave his position on the committee that deals with telecommunications regulation to chair the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment. House watchers had expected Markey to remain on the Commerce Committee, where he would direct the telecommunications agenda.

Instead, that role will be taken by Congressman Rick Boucher, who takes on the chairmanship of the Communications, Technology and the Internet Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Boucher has been a supporter of municipal wireless efforts, has co-sponsored a bill to direct Universal Service Funds for broadband deployment (and require VoIP providers to pay into the USF), tried to amend the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to provide more protection for fair use, and appears to favor government intervention to deliver rural broadband access.

Image courtesy of Congressman Ed Markey.


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