
Betamax SmartVoip SIP VOIP Offers free international VOIP Calls

Its time of the year again, the great Betamax VOIP Factory keeps rolling their new VOIP ventures almost every quarter and now launched a new VOIP Provider called SmartVoip.

SmartVOIP like many other Betamax VOIP Services offers free international calls and cheap international calls. SmartVoip is offers free international voip calls to the following countries: Canada,USA,UK(Landline),Singapore,Taiwan,China,Portugal,Thailand,Spain,Russia.

SmartVOIP is offering cheap international calls to India at only 1.5 eurocents per minute to India landline and 2 eurocents per minute to India mobile. Of course, if you are already using Nymgo or LocalPhone then you might not like to switch :-)

Although, not a lot of free calling destinations, lets just hope smartvoip can offers some better international calling rates to certain destinations.

One good thing about Smartvoip is they offer SIP support.

Here are the SmartVOIP SIP Details:

SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.smartvoip.com
Proxy server : sip.smartvoip.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your SmartVoip username
Password : your SmartVoip password
Display name/number : your SmartVoip username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) : stun.smartvoip.com

SmartVOIP supported Codecs

G.711 (64 kbps)
G.726 (32 kbps)
G.729 (8 kbps)
G.723 (5.3 & 6.3 kbps)
GSMFR (13.2 kbps)

If you have audio problems:

Use a STUN server (e.g. stun.smartvoip.com) with port 3478 (if supported by your device)
Use the G.711 codec

You can download SmartVOIP Softphone from their website. Let us know your feedback/comments on this new Betamax VOIP Provider, SmartVOIP.



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