Verizon to Go All VoIP
Call it a seven year itch, or call it concession, but the company that tried to bring you VoiceWing is going to be all VoIP by 2016 . At least that's the promise from the current Chief Marketing Officer at Verizon, John Stratton. We all know they are rolling out FiOS with VoIP as fast as they can, but the idea of being all VoIP has to have Commissioner Martin wondering how to say he caused that one. Verizon has been the most concentrated territories of the three major USA Bells, and also the luxury of the MCI acquisition to have one of the netter IP infrastructures. They also have a huge international data and VoIP business and of course their half interest in Verizon Wireless which is also seeming to open up the flood gates for data plays of late in a way we haven't seen. This means that developers and system integrators now have a target to rach out towards. For VoIP 2.0 companies like ifByPhone, Voxeo, Mobivox and Jaduka this means more opportunity as an all IP Verizon means more need to sell more new to keep their numbers up. IP costs less (or should) so to keep those earnings up the idea of apps and platform integration means more |
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