
Skype for iPhone and iTouch from Truphone

Good news to iPhone users. According to Om , Truphone, a provider of mobile VoIP client using which cheap international calls can be made, is going to support skype chat and voice call from iPhone and iPod touch. This new feature shall be available to users on Jan 12th. Using this new client, iPhone or iPod users can call skype users and at the same time receive skype calls from other skype members. Hold on, some more good news, in addition to skype they also support Gtalk, MSN, yahoo messenger and twitter. So they are becoming more like a unified interface for all IM clients.

This kind of feature is not something new; startups like iSkoot, fring, mig33, eqo, nimbuzz etc have been supporting the above mentioned features and more for quite sometime. Worthy of mention is iSkoot client, which was launched with operator 3 in a revenue sharing agreement. With crappy IM support on iPhone, these clients can fill in the big hole. The million dollar question really is- how do they make revenue out of these features. I guess truphone has other revenue generating features and hopefully these features will let them retain the customers. More like a carrot. With fring trying out advertisement model, you never know, maybe there is way to make money out of these features. Let's wait and see who solves the puzzle. In the meanwhile, folks enjoy all these features that come free. Off course, another caveat- you need to pay money if you want to receive skype calls.

I have not tried truphone yet, but what I hear from other folks is that it just rocks and a must have mobile APP. They have more than 100,000 subscribers using iPhone and iPod touch.



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